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We present a selection of texts that inspire the team of Sa Llavor and share in the weekly meetings as part of their pedagogical path.   Tale extracted from the “Spiritual Compass” book by Satish Kumar. There was a fisherman lying on the beach, dozing in the sun. The catch of the day was over and, after lunch, it was time to rest. A merchant saw him lying languidly and asked him: "How come you don't work today?" “I have already finished my work. This morning I went out with my little boat, caught some fish, sold some and cooked others and ate them; Now it's time to rest, nap time”, said the fisherman. "But you could still catch some more fish, right?", asked the merchant. "And why would I do it?", asked the fisherman surprised. "This way you would earn more money and you could buy a larger motor boat, which could load larger nets and catch more fish”, the merchant replied. "For what?”, asked the fisherman. "Well, that way you could have a fleet of ships, create a company, and when it succeeds, sell it and earn a lot of money," said the merchant. "And then what?" Asked the fisherman, without understanding anything. "Then you could retire and be all day lying on the beach, without worries," the merchant insisted. “But it is precisely what I am doing now! The future does not worry me. I am happy, very happy, what I have satisfies me. I feel lucky with the sea, with sunlight and with a lot of time to enjoy life. Why should I try so hard? ” The merchant, who at first did not know what to say, soon walked away smiling.   Fragment of the book “Verdolatry. Nature teaches us to be human ”by Santiago Beruete. “We still have to learn the art of living in a world oversaturated with information. And we must also learn the even more difficult art of preparing the next generations to live in such a world. ” Zygmunt Bauman. Pedagogy is a branch of gardening, so educating is another meaning of the word cultivate. We are all plants and gardeners. We cultivate each other. The true meaning of teaching is "sowing the spirits," as Plato states by Socrates in the Fedro dialogue. The teacher's words are seeds, but they will only germinate if they fall on fertile soil. The same raises the crucial question of how to prepare the ground. Gardening and education are humble professions. Those who sow the earth and those who cultivate the spirit have something in common: the sweat of their brow will not bear fruit until after a while. Teaching is like planting: you are never sure if the effort will bear fruit, if the seed you spread will sprout, but that emotion brings into play the best of the human being: hope, trust, patience, perseverance, tenacity and, of course, humility. Nothing worthwhile is achieved in life without these qualities. It goes without saying

2019-11-11T09:39:30+00:00November 11th, 2019|


“Contemplate the workings of this world, listen to the words of the wise, take all that is good as your own. With this as your base, open your own door to truth. Do not overlook the truth that is right before you. Study how water flows in a valley stream, smoothly and freely between the rocks. Also learn from holy books and wise people. Everything—even mountains, rivers, plants, and trees—should be your teacher”. The Art of Peace Morihei Ueshiba The word Aikido is formed by three ideograms, Ai (harmony), Ki (energy), Do (path). It is a martial art that is oriented to the integral development of the human being and shows us the way to resolve conflicts looking for a non-aggressive solution. Thus, his goal is not to defeat an opponent in a fight but to redirect the conflict by harnessing the energy of the other's attack to a neutral point where no one is injured. That is why it has been called the Art of Peace. A peace that also refers to the state in which the Aikido practitioner should be. Only from calm can you find the positive solution to a conflict, be it of any kind: physical, psychological or emotional. Thus, in the Art of Peace, you learn to work the conflict. Conflict is part of life and we will meet it on many levels. The natural or instinctive tendency in these situations is the fight or flight. Aikido makes us a new proposal: harmony. Flow with the opponent, flow with the energy of the attack and balance this energy. In order to achieve this the most difficult thing is not all that must be learned: technique, repetition, internalization ... but what must be abandoned: the ego, the power, the intention to win. To get to this point you have to do a very powerful internal work, seeking your own inner peace. Filling in what is empty and emptying what is full. In Aikido, conflict is not confrontation, it is only the other side of calm. Join and build. Creates. In the Art of Peace, conflict serves to know oneself and, from here, to learn to respect and protect others and everything around us.

2023-02-07T18:34:31+00:00October 8th, 2019|


“The Art of Peace is a celebration of the bonding between heaven, earth and humankind. It is all that is true, good and beautiful.” Morihei Ueshiba 1. Integral Education: the purpose of Aikido, as martial art, is the integral education of the human being. The development of a healthy, focused, relaxed and connected body; that houses a heart full of fertile seeds, waiting to germinate. A clear and serene mind that favours the refining of the spirit and the connection with the whole. 2. Freedom, trust and respect: freedom can be experienced by flowing with a circular and continuous movement like the orbits of the stars; confidence in having a heart that can house enemies, since a free being cannot be damaged. Respect takes different forms in the virtues of the ancient samurai. Self respect, honorability; respect for others, courtesy and benevolence; and respect for the environment, justice and honesty. 3. Connection with life: in the words of O'Sensei,"those who practice the Art of Peace must protect the domain of Mother Nature, the divine reflection of creation, and keep it lovely and fresh. Warriorship gives birth to natural beauty. The subtle techniques of a warrior arise as naturally as the appearance of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Warriorship is none other than the vitality that sustains all life”. 4. Community and service to others: Aikido works from cooperation, non-resistance; it is not a fighting technique, but a way to find peace in your own life, reconcile the world and make humanity a great family.

2019-10-10T10:49:50+00:00October 8th, 2019|


We present a selection of texts that inspire the team of Sa Llavor and share in the weekly meetings as part of their pedagogical path. “Two souls reside, alas! in my chest, the one wants to separate from the other; the one, through stubborn organs, he clings to the world in a rude love delight; the other rises vigorously from darkness towards the fields of excellent ancestors ” (Faust I, 1112-1117) Goethe "What is education?", J. Krishnamurti, from the book "What are you doing with your life?" The right kind of education refers to individual freedom, which is the only one that can provide true cooperation with the whole, with everyone. But this freedom is not achieved through the search for our own aggrandizement and success. Freedom comes with self-knowledge, when the mind goes beyond the obstacles it has created itself by craving its own security. It is the function of education to help each individual discover all these psychological obstacles, and not simply impose new patterns of behavior, new ways of thinking. Such impositions will never arouse intelligence, creative understanding, but will only condition the individual even more. Surely, this is what is happening in the world, and that is why our problems continue and multiply. It is only when we begin to understand the deep meaning of human life that there can be a true education; but to understand, the mind must cleverly free itself from the desire for reward that generates fear and conformity. If we consider children as personal property, if for us they are the continuation of our meanness and the realization of our ambitions, then we will build an environment, a social structure in which there is no love, but only the search for egocentric advantages.   “You don’t have to understand Life’s nature”. Rainer Maria Rilke. You don’t have to understand Life’s nature, then it becomes a grand affair. Let every day just of itself occur like a child walks away from every hurt and happens upon the gift of many flowers. To collect and the blossoms spare, that never enters the child’s mind. She gently unties them from her hair, where they were kept captive with such delight, and the hands of the loving, youthful years reach out to embrace the new.   Principles of "Alliance for Children". Joan Almon. Childhood is a time to learn about essential things; about the celestial and earthly world; about Good, Beauty and Truth. Childhood is a time to be loved and to love; to express fear and to learn to trust; to be serious and to be calm; and to celebrate with laughter and joy. Children have the right to dream and grow at their own pace; They have the right to make mistakes and the right to be forgiven. Children have the right to avoid violence and hunger; of having a home and protection; and support to grow healthily, with good habits and safe nutrition. Children need people to respect, adults whose example and

2019-10-14T09:13:09+00:00October 8th, 2019|


Benvolgudes famílies, us convidem a la presentació de l'obra de teatre "El somni d'una nit d'estiu" de William Shakespeare, interpretada per l'alumnat de l'escola, que tindrà lloc aquest divendres 21 a les 18: 00h a Sa Llavor. HORARI: 16:30h Entrada actors de 3r cicle i últims cursos 17:00h Entrada actors 2n cicle 17:30h Entrada actors 1r cicle 18:00h Obertura de portes 18:15h Inici En acabar gaudirem d'un berenar compartit amb les famílies. Us hi esperem a totes i a tots!

2019-06-17T08:05:19+00:00June 17th, 2019|


El dijous dia 20 celebrarem el tancament del curs a Educació Infantil. Amb aquest motiu volem convidar totes les famílies d’Infantil al Teatret “Les tres taronges”  que començarà a les 9:10h. HORARI: 8:30 h: Entrada dels actors 9:00h: Entrada de la resta d'alumnat d'infantil 9:10h: Entrada de les famílies Us hi esperem!

2019-06-17T07:58:29+00:00June 17th, 2019|


Durante este último mes, y en conexión con un periodo que pretende viajar a través de algunos oficios del ser humano, la clase de segundo ciclo ha llevado a cabo un proyecto de bioconstrucción con adobe. Con esto, pretendemos reconvertir y reforzar el arenero realizando un enfoscado con adobe. Para ello hemos contado con la visita de Miguel Ángel Castillo, de LAND, que nos ha ayudado a entender cómo actúan los diferentes ingredientes con los que se prepara el adobe.

2019-06-10T07:54:06+00:00June 10th, 2019|


"Cuando miraba las asignaturas que se impartían en la universidad, la mayoría de ellas era conocimiento destructivo. No hay conocimiento constructivo en la universidad para mí. Si uno aprende a ser arquitecto o ingeniero, quiere decir que el daño es mayor. Cuanto más trabajen estas personas mayor será el daño a la montaña. Así que sentí que algo fallaba. Decidí dejar la universidad y regresé a casa. Antes pensaba que la gente pobre como yo, que sacaba malas notas en la escuela, no podía tener una casa. Porque las personas que son mas listas que yo, que son los primeros de clase cada año, tienen un buen empleo, pero necesitan trabajar más de 30 años para tener una casa. ¿Cómo iba yo, que no había terminado la universidad, llegar a tener una casa? Pero entonces empecé a construir mi propia casa, es muy fácil. Pasaba dos horas al día, desde las 5 hasta las 7 de la mañana. En tres meses tenía una casa. Otro amigo mío, que era el más listo de la clase, también tardó tres meses en construir su casa. Pero se endeudó, tenía una deuda para los próximos 30 años. Así que, en comparación, yo tenía 29 años y 9 meses de tiempo libre. Jamás imaginé que podría construir una casa de una forma tan sencilla. Cualquiera puede construir una casa. Los pájaros construyen un nido en uno o dos días. La ratas excavan un agujero en una noche. Los niños de 13 años en la escuela, haciendo ladrillos juntos, pueden construir una casa. Los animales pueden. Los niños pueden. Es fácil. Inténtenlo." Jon Jandai. Granjero y bioconstructor.

2019-06-10T07:43:35+00:00June 10th, 2019|


Alumnat infantil, primer i segon cicle de primària: Can Arabí Trobada i recollida: Camí de Bellveure, km 1.2, Binissalem Veure mapa> Horari: 8:30-13:30 h Portar: berenar, aigua, roba i sabates adequades, muda completa de recanvi. Els altres grups participaran en els tallers de teatre a l'escola. Horari: 8:30-13:30 h Portar berenar i aigua.

2019-06-10T07:13:23+00:00June 10th, 2019|
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