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  Since ancient times, human beings have had the impulse to model, sculpt and carve the material around them, bringing out the latent essence in it. - Make sculptures with clay, discovering the surprising creativity of your hands. - Create forms that change and transform, to give you the opportunity to perceive the processes of time. - Make sculptures with natural materials, to discover the beauty of nature. - Travel the path of the human being through sculpture, from Ancient Greece and Michelangelo to the 20th and 21st century. The artistic process encourages freedom, activates genuine thought, awakens sensitivity and creative action. It opens up an imaginative space that facilitates experimentation and knowledge. Sculpting and modelling through a variety of methods and materials, facilitates the path of perception and dialogue, connection with oneself, with others and with nature.       RUDOLF KAESBACH Rudolf Kaesbach, Sculptor and Architect, director for 30 years of Art Education at Emerson College, Forest Row, England. He travels to schools all over the world teaching art programmes for children and adults, in order to revalue the importance of art for human evolution and social transformation. Rudolf Kaesbach is the person invited to guide the next Artistic Sculpture Workshop for the Educational Community "The future rests in the past", which we are holding at the Fundació Sa Llavor on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th January 2023. It presents a Workshop Talk open to the families of the Community on Wednesday 11 January from 15:30 to 17h. with the title "The importance of Art in Education". During the month of January, he will also carry out artistic processes of modelling, wood carving and stone sculpture with the children of Sa Llavor. Rudolf Kaesbach gives a major role in education to art and direct contact with nature, the greatest of all works of art, both essential elements to counteract the effects of technology and to be able to have a balanced and healthy development that allows us to live, feel and think freely.   Information: http://www.sallavor.es/el-camino-del-ser-humano-a-traves-de-las-artes/ escolacultura@sallavor.es Registration here>  

2022-12-24T08:04:22+00:00December 23rd, 2022|


REPORT OF THE ARCHITECTURE WORKSHOP   On 25 and 26 November, as part of the programme of Artistic Workshops for the Educational Community presented by the Fundació Sa Llavor's Escuela Cultura, we went on a journey with Rudolf Kaesbach where we experienced the art of architecture. Architecture is part of the life of humanity. There is a direct relationship between architectural forces, spaces, landscape and the evolutionary path of human beings on Earth. The art of architecture is a process of seeking harmony with the environment through the creation of spaces, which allows us to balance the polarity of the universe and nature with the inner experience of the human being. Architecture is a physical reflection of the human soul experience related to the landscape and the immediate environment.       The mysterious megalithic constructions serve as a starting point for us to learn to grasp the sensitive relationship that human beings have with the landscape, an environment that was once perceived so intensely that we needed to build in order to balance and counterbalance the experience that emerges from the perception of the mountains, the immense valleys, the infinite horizons, where our spirit can get lost and not find its centre, its own temple.     In the Gothic cathedral, art and spirit are expressed in perfection. In addition to unifying the seven arts in itself, giving them meaning and unity, the cathedral is an image of the ideal spirit of the period: strong and imposing on the outside, like a knight in armour; luminous, spacious and humble on the inside, like a saint. The cathedral offers those who walk through it the experience of the spiritual path through the different levels or spaces that are traversed along the way, from the entrance door to the altar, a concentrated place full of light that symbolises communion, the final illumination of the gods.       Within contemporary architecture we find examples of Japanese architect Tadao Ando, where reverence for nature and dialogue with the environment remain alive. His architecture works with light, geometric shapes and elements, creating closed spaces that invite serenity and introspection, and open spaces in harmony with nature. Tadao seeks to express the spiritual unity of the human being through the architectural experience.       The architectural ensemble of the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland, an architecture designed by Rudolf Steiner, brings together the wisdom of the human being through the seven arts in a sensitive dialogue with the environment, constituting a space in which the arts are alive and show spiritual processes.     What is our current experience with the forces of architecture? In this age, the need arises to build a sacred temple in our hearts on the pillars of goodness, beauty and truth.   IMPRESSIONS OF THE PARTICIPANTS   "To look at breathe the architecture to let space slip between the seams of being to let a corner fill everything let emptiness occupy the soul Dialogue between landscape and roof between cloud and

2022-12-24T05:41:30+00:00December 13th, 2022|


Through their artistic creations, children express the evolutionary moment they are going through. They show us their inner experience in relation to the world around them. By observing four images with the same motif "the house", painted by the same child over a period of three years, from 3 to 6 years of age, we can "read" their evolutionary path and the transformation of their state of mind in relation to the surrounding world.       Rudolf Kaesbach has accompanied us as a guest during the month of November 2022, carrying out artistic processes of modelling with clay with the children of Sa Llavor. The attentive contemplation of the artistic creations that emerge from this process, shows us a global vision of the evolutionary path of the children throughout the different educational stages. The artistic process must be the central axis of the educational process. Artistic activity benefits in a holistic way the healthy development and growth of the child.   "I am the art teacher, they are the artists". Rudolf Kaesbach   First Cycle “The Princess and the Frog” (6 years old) This image comes from the story "The Princess and the Frog" and shows a harmonious and serene composition. The union with the surrounding world is experienced. It has been made in a flat format, with small pieces of clay that create the scene, centred on the right/left orientation and symmetry. It begins with the elaboration of the earth, then the mountain and the tree. The expansion of the branches of the tree is repeated in the human figure, although somewhat more restrained. Of particular importance is the place chosen for the ball in the air, a place of balance that completes the harmony of the image.     “The Bridge” (7 years old) At the age of 7, the world and oneself are still experienced as a non-separate whole and a bridge to separation begins to be built. For this creation it is proposed to make a river, the land around it and a bridge that connects the two parts. The rivers can be winding and circular, straight and long, or as in this image, smooth and well contained in the earth. The bridge appears as a symbol of that passage towards the world that the adult accompanies.   Second Cycle “The Cave” (8 years old) The world and all that inhabits it, one begins to perceive and situate it from oneself, from within, but still with the security of being tucked in and at home. Some caves have a very wide entrance and appear open to the world, others are deep, dark and solid. In the image we have a cave where the figure is comfortably seated next to a fire, observing the outside where a tree with a bird appears.   “The Hen” (9 years old)   We see the image of a hen carrying her chicks, leaving and crossing a threshold. At around 9 years of age, the experience of separation from the environment is

2022-12-22T15:28:32+00:00December 13th, 2022|


  "Nature must become an art and art a second Nature"  Novalis Let us imagine a great snow-clad plain spread out before us and upon it here and there rivers and lakes hard frozen. The neighbouring sea is mostly frozen over close to shore; further out huge floes are drifting; occasional stunted trees and bushes lift heads heavy with snow and icicles. It is evening. The sun has already set, leaving behind the golden splendour of its afterglow. Before our eyes are two female figures and out of the afterglow is born — we might say is sent forth — a messenger from the higher worlds, who stands before the women and listens with close attention to what they are telling of their inmost feelings and experiences. One of the two standing there hugs her arms tightly to her body, cowers together, and exclaims: “I am freezing cold.” The eyes of the other woman wander over the snow-clad plain, out to the frozen waters and over the trees thick with hanging icicles, and from her lips burst forth the words “how glorious this whole landscape is.” She is utterly heedless of her own feelings, utterly oblivious to her physical suffering from the cold. We feel warmth streaming into her heart, for she has no attention to spare for her physical bodily discomfort, being inwardly overwhelmed by the wonderful beauty of this chill and frozen scene. Then the sun sinks further and further, the color fades out of the afterglow and the two friends fall into a deep slumber. One of them, the one who had been so acutely conscious of the cold in her bodily self, sinks into a sleep which might easily become fatal; the other sinks into a sleep in which we can recognise the influence of the emotion expressed in the words “How glorious,” which continues to warm her limbs and keep them full of life throughout her slumber. And she hears the youth who, born out of the glory of the afterglow, says to her these words, “Thou art Art”; and then she falls asleep. With her she took into her slumbers all the results of the impressions made upon her by the landscape which has been described; and a sort of dream mingled with her sleep. And yet it was not a dream, but in a certain way a reality, although of a unique kind akin to dreaming in its form. It was the manifestation of a reality which this woman's soul had barely been able to conceive before. For the experience that befell her was not a dream; it merely resembled one. That which she experienced may be described as “astral imagination.” And if we are to describe her visions we cannot do it otherwise than by setting forth in words the picture by means of which “imaginative” perception speaks. For the soul of this woman became aware at that moment what the event signalised. By the words of the youth, “Thou

2023-05-22T10:04:32+00:00November 4th, 2022|


During these four weeks, the first cycle group has experienced the drawing of shapes from movements that arise in nature based on line and curve. First they have experienced vertical, horizontal, diagonal, long, short, intermittent, curved and winding straight lines. Meanwhile, the second group has been introduced to mirror shapes that combine the different straight lines or curves experienced last year.

2022-10-19T07:40:07+00:00October 10th, 2022|


In this period, the 3rd and 4th class experienced geometrical shapes and linear, curved and woven forms. Different activities were implemented to raise the awareness for the forms, explore the movement and cultivate the imagination through connecting different senses. Before drawing it in their notebooks, the children laid the form with materials like stones, acorns or sticks, walked and traced it and drew it on small black boards with chalk. “In this way one educates the child toward a real feeling for form, toward a feeling for harmony, for symmetry, and toward a feeling of relationships. In this way one can guide the child into those harmonies which also exist in the world around us”. Rudolf Steiner

2022-10-10T10:14:49+00:00October 10th, 2022|


Class 5th and 6th began the term remembering the Illiad and reviewed certain stories of Achilles and positioned themselves in Ancient Greece. Throughout the block they have learned about Alexander the Great, and through his life story they have understood the wars and battles of his time, travelled the route of his conquered territories and learnt a little about what it would have been like to live in his time. As the block was in English, they have used it to improve speech, spelling, grammar and punctuation.

2022-10-10T10:15:18+00:00October 10th, 2022|


Following the period on Greece, two large carvings have been made that will establish the classroom, as reliefs for a temple. Individually, each has embodied an emblem, and the transits between them are connected by a common carved lance. A process that can be resumed in the coming periods.

2022-10-10T10:17:37+00:00October 10th, 2022|


"Music is the true universal language" Weber "Music gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flights to the imagination, consolation to sadness and life and joy to all things" Plato Last year we had the privilege of accompanying the beginning of many students with their instrument. We could feel how their skills were developing, their hands coordinating, their ears listening, and their will serving as an impulse so that all that learning was built and put at their service. This course we continue on the path, so that other students can experience a similar process and so that those who continue can grow with their instrument. This project aims to facilitate access to the study of a musical instrument during school hours. All students from 4th to 6th grade of Primary School have the opportunity to choose an instrument and practice individually with a professional musician, in 30-minute slots. This course we also offer to the groups of 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade of Primary Education the possibility of studying an instrument in slots of 30 minutes per week from 3 to 4pm. that can be combined with the Afternoon Care activity in the Library. Information and registration: musica@sallavor.es

2023-02-07T18:23:23+00:00October 10th, 2022|


Care service for children from 5 years to 6th grade from Monday to Thursday from 3 to 4 pm in the School Library. Afternoon Care is a space offered to the School's families, from Monday to Thursday from 3 to 4 p.m., after school hours. For the youngest, Afternoon Care provides with a caring and warm environment to accompany them in the game and the discovery of books and reading. The older ones have a quiet space for homework and projects and where to enjoy reading or board games. They can also join artistic painting and drawing activities. In addition, they have a small snack based on almonds, raisins and fruit. Warm and welcoming atmosphere Accompaniment for the little ones Workspace for Primary students   Ages: From 5 years old and up to 6th grade of Primary Schedule: Monday to Thursday from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mondays and Thursdays handcrafts activities with Petra Dum Price: €113 per month (€88 siblings) €8 per day (€7 siblings) Information and registration: fundacio@sallavor.es Sa Llavor Foundation. Plaça Metge Borràs, 3. Binissalem. Majorca Professional responsible for the activity: Silvia Manzano: Early Childhood Education Teacher, Doula and Doula Trainer, Gestalt Therapist. Trained in Holistic Pedagogy, specialist in Body Communication, infant massage, CranioSacral therapy and Infant Reflexology. Responsible for the School Library at the Fundació Sa Llavor.  

2023-09-08T07:26:20+00:00September 14th, 2022|
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