On February 3th and 4th we held the Painting Workshop for the Educational Community given by Víctor Mardaras at Fundació Sa Llavor. We open the meeting experimenting through Eurythmy the essential qualities of blue and yellow, of darkness and light. We live its polarities in our movement and gesture, from the deep and dark to the expansive and luminous and vice versa. With the opposite blue triangle and yellow triangle represented on the human figure, the two triangles meet at the center of the chest creating a green diamond, space of freedom. From this place of openness we move and create. Now we are attuned to start painting from pure color. We transit through watercolours the luminous yellow, the serene blue, the willful red. What color do I identify with? Which one lives strongly in me? From that color, we create a composition where we invite other colors to dialogue, seeking balance and harmony in giving and receiving. A new horizon opens when observing the paintings the next day, something that leads us to live the colors from another material. The pastel chalks offer us the possibility of painting softly, creating the spectrum of the 7 colors from the 3 primaries. They open up new paths of expression, new tones and unexpected individual and group discoveries. The colors captured on paper were also able to be experienced in space thanks to the eurythmic movement. The Greek myth of Iris, daughter of Thaumates and Electra, messenger of the gods and goddess of the 7 colors, representative of the invisible and of the union of Heaven and Earth , inspired us to live the movement of color in space, creating and experiencing the gesture of colors, violet, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, indigo. How is the movement of blue? How does it differ from the movement and gesture of yellow? How does red move? We express the qualities and the deepest essence of colors through individual and group movement. An exercise in drawing with charcoal in black and white gave us the experience of creating an object with volume and weight on paper, with lights and shadows. This experience is associated with the history of painting, when the artist manages to give objects and figures their own weight and depth. Finally, after listening to a brief narrative about the origin of the arts, we held a session in which each participant decided freely the materials, format and theme of His painting. Intuition, imagination and artistic inspiration sow the beginning of a new path that encompasses and collects the experience of color and painting.  

2023-02-23T10:24:49+00:00February 23rd, 2023|


“Music is an Educational Art par excellence, is inserted in the Soul and the form in the Virtue" Plato   On the 3rd and 4th of March we invite you to continue "The path of the human being through the Arts" and immerse yourself in the Art of Music. Take part in the Music Workshop for the Educational Community as part of the Cycle of the 7 Arts presented by the Escuela Cultura of the Fundació Sa Llavor. Music awakens the deepest parts of the human being and activates vital forces and sensitivity. It strengthens the sense of community and solidarity. As an art that is sustained over time, it has a special relationship with the development and evolution of human life. Music lives in the past as an art linked to humanity, and in the future as an artistic healing force that links our cosmic origin with earthly experience, opening doors towards salutogenesis and healing in the human being. - Perceive how music is movement on all levels, in your body, in your soul, in your most spiritual principles. - Experience how music needs an instrument to materialise, either with our innermost instrument, the voice, or with others more external to us, such as the lyre. - Experience some of the planetary and zodiacal qualities in yourself, thanks to melodies and exercises specially created to cultivate self-perception. -Learn about the holistic conception of singing thanks to an in-depth study of the work carried out by the singer Valborg Werbeck-Svärdström.   "Everyone has a voice to sing. Our goal is to discover it, remove the obstacles and free the voice" Valborg Werbeck   More information: Registration here>     JOSÉ SALINAS Musician, Telecommunications Engineer. Trained in Music Therapy, Human Biography and Werbeck Singing. He dedicates himself fully to music, collaborating full-time with different initiatives such as salutogenic choirs, Werbeck singing work groups, conducting youth orchestras, as well as giving music, singing, lyre and violin classes to children and adults. More information: Registration here>

2023-02-15T13:23:21+00:00February 10th, 2023|


  "Nature must become an art and art a second Nature"  Novalis Let us imagine a great snow-clad plain spread out before us and upon it here and there rivers and lakes hard frozen. The neighbouring sea is mostly frozen over close to shore; further out huge floes are drifting; occasional stunted trees and bushes lift heads heavy with snow and icicles. It is evening. The sun has already set, leaving behind the golden splendour of its afterglow. Before our eyes are two female figures and out of the afterglow is born — we might say is sent forth — a messenger from the higher worlds, who stands before the women and listens with close attention to what they are telling of their inmost feelings and experiences. One of the two standing there hugs her arms tightly to her body, cowers together, and exclaims: “I am freezing cold.” The eyes of the other woman wander over the snow-clad plain, out to the frozen waters and over the trees thick with hanging icicles, and from her lips burst forth the words “how glorious this whole landscape is.” She is utterly heedless of her own feelings, utterly oblivious to her physical suffering from the cold. We feel warmth streaming into her heart, for she has no attention to spare for her physical bodily discomfort, being inwardly overwhelmed by the wonderful beauty of this chill and frozen scene. Then the sun sinks further and further, the color fades out of the afterglow and the two friends fall into a deep slumber. One of them, the one who had been so acutely conscious of the cold in her bodily self, sinks into a sleep which might easily become fatal; the other sinks into a sleep in which we can recognise the influence of the emotion expressed in the words “How glorious,” which continues to warm her limbs and keep them full of life throughout her slumber. And she hears the youth who, born out of the glory of the afterglow, says to her these words, “Thou art Art”; and then she falls asleep. With her she took into her slumbers all the results of the impressions made upon her by the landscape which has been described; and a sort of dream mingled with her sleep. And yet it was not a dream, but in a certain way a reality, although of a unique kind akin to dreaming in its form. It was the manifestation of a reality which this woman's soul had barely been able to conceive before. For the experience that befell her was not a dream; it merely resembled one. That which she experienced may be described as “astral imagination.” And if we are to describe her visions we cannot do it otherwise than by setting forth in words the picture by means of which “imaginative” perception speaks. For the soul of this woman became aware at that moment what the event signalised. By the words of the youth, “Thou

2023-05-22T10:04:32+00:00November 4th, 2022|


There are experiences to be made; plant a tree, write a book, do your first 3-day trek at 12 years old. An experience that leaves no one indifferent, where everything that happens helps us take out what we carry inside and makes us grow a little more as people. From Deià to Tossals Verds, passing through Sollér, Barranc de Biniaraix, Cúber reservoir, Font des Noguer and Font de Prat. Where we enjoyed a bath in Llucalcari or a lemonade in the possession of Son Mico. They have made their first journey, some thought they would not be able to, others expressed it openly, but all have achieved what they thought was almost impossible, to overcome themselves in the face of all the difficulties and challenges they have encountered. during the journey, where they have felt that they have grown up and the look of what we have every day has changed. After weeks of looking back what is left are very intense, fun and exciting memories, which will always be with us. After the crossing for sure something has changed!

2022-07-20T09:09:54+00:00July 20th, 2022|


The boys and girls have collaborated in writing the posters that name the plants in the garden, thus doing their bit to create the School's Botanical Garden. In the garden they have taken care of collecting and sowing countless seeds that they have seen grow. The last ones, sunflowers, especially aroused his curiosity: "This plant comes out of a pipe!" They watched with wide-awake eyes and with great interest as the seedling pushed its way toward the light with the pipe shell still on as a makeshift hat. They have been the guardians and guardians of the seeds. They have collected them, they have planted them, they have tasted them. As if they were the seeds that have just germinated and are growing with strength and energy, they have dedicated themselves to their work with interest and perseverance.

2022-07-20T08:46:54+00:00July 20th, 2022|


The winter solstice commemorates the birth of light. Soon we will live the darkest day of the year but also, little by little, we will see how the days are lengthening, gaining more hours at night and darkness. Let all this light fill our hearts and let us surrender to the most special and endearing meaning of the winter solstice: sharing with others, gathering together, renewing ourselves. It is time to sow. Imagine that we are a fertile field waiting to receive a lot of new things that will take root in us, growing towards the sky, towards the stars, making us shine.

2021-11-30T10:04:54+00:00November 30th, 2021|


Last Saturday, November 27th, we celebrated the first meeting of the Learning Community planting trees in community in the forest. These meetings seek to establish links between the community through action, as a way to return to the human network, to collaborate and enrich the project in a family and festive environment. The contribution and donation of trees and shrubs by the families was very numerous. Those that could best adapt to the characteristics of the terrain were chosen, such as oak, pine, murta, laurel, strawberry tree, olive or fruit trees. During the meeting new families could get to know the space where their children play every day at the school, as well as the projects that are being carried out.

2021-12-03T14:56:35+00:00November 29th, 2021|


It is November and the light of the long summer days is fading little by little. The leaves of the trees begin to dress in golden colors before detaching and covering the ground in browns, yellows and reds. At this time, when the light from outside begins to weaken, we take shelter in our homes and turn on the light inside. It is at this time that we celebrate the lantern festival as a community, as a symbol of the flame that shines within and the warmth that emanates from our hearts.

2021-11-02T13:09:40+00:00October 28th, 2021|


Last year some students from the school planted wheat. This year we have closed the cycle with the making of bread in 4th, 5th and 6th grade of primary school. They have ground wheat grain to extract various types of flour: wholemeal and white. They have made a sourdough starting from scratch from apples and honey, to which we have "fed" flour until it can be used as yeast. They have also learned to knead and shape bread. Sourdough is an exciting journey through three fermentations: alcoholic, lactic and acetic. Each one of them will transmit a unique flavor and aroma to the bread. In addition, the sourdough makes the crumb more moist and the crust tasty and crunchy for longer. Each sourdough has its peculiarities, it is something alive and unrepeatable, and making bread with it is an adventure that sometimes takes you down unexpected paths. Only by knowing your sourdough will you get the bread you want. There are sourdoughs that, like good wines, can last for years, accompanying you throughout life and making it a little more delicious.   “Pan, con harina, agua y fuego te levantas, espeso y leve, recostado y redondo, milagro repetido, voluntad de la vida La tierra, la belleza, el amor. Todo eso tiene sabor de pan Todo nació para ser compartido, para ser entregado, para multiplicarse. Entonces también la vida tendrá forma de pan, será simple y profunda, innumerable y pura.” Pablo Neruda

2021-10-28T10:43:54+00:00October 28th, 2021|


Throughout history, in many cultures and traditions of the most disparate parts of the world initiation rites are performed for young people. It is a symbolic way of taking the first step towards adult life, experiencing separation and beginning to transform into an individual with an identity of their own, expressing the unique essence of each being. This is also what the sixth-grade students of Sa Llavor have done, making the journey that ends their passage through Primary Education. For three days they have walked from Son Macip to the Alaró Castle, carrying the weight of everything they need on their backs. They have slept under the stars, they have shared, they have cooked, they have suffered and they have laughed, they have found sources, they have seen incredible landscapes, they have crossed clouds, they have felt fatigue and strength and they have reached the goal.

2021-06-21T09:51:36+00:00June 21st, 2021|
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