El arte de crear y de imaginar está especialmente vivo en la etapa de educación infantil. La capacidad de imaginar nuevos mundos, de transformar, de cambiar, hacen que, a estas edades, todo sea posible. No hay límites ni baremos si, desde los adultos, les permitimos ser.

Tanto en el juego libre dentro del aula, creando un ambiente adecuado con materiales naturales seleccionados, organizados y ordenados en distintos espacios ( la casita, construcciones, animales, etc.) como en el juego libre en el exterior, en contacto con la naturaleza, es importante que el adulto que acompaña tenga una presencia y una mirada respetuosa y atenta, estableciendo unos límites dentro de un entorno que favorezca la libertad y la confianza y que permita a la niña y al niño ser sin romper ese estado de ensoñación tan único y mágico.

2019-04-07T20:16:10+00:00abril 4th, 2019|


Dijous passat vam reunir-nos per compartir amb les famílies un taller de primavera com a part del procés pedagògic del curs. Vam sortir a l’aire lliure, vam deixar-nos inspirar per les tonalitats del verd profund del jardí i vam fer poesia coral –recitant poesia en grup- basada en aquesta època de l’any i en el florir de les muses de l’Art.

Poder acompanyar a l’infant en el procés pedagògic de l’escola, experimentar-ho mitjançant la pròpia vivència, descobrir les sensacions dels infants a través d’un mateix, aquest és l’objectiu de les reunions pedagògiques es se celebren a l’escola cada trimestre per a les famílies.

2019-04-05T19:22:05+00:00abril 4th, 2019|


Dimars 9:
16h: Visita guiada a l’escola per a noves famílies.

Divendres 12:

8’30 a 13’30h: Últim dia del segon trimestre.

Divendres 12, dissabte 13 i diumenge 14:
Curs 2 d’Innovació Educativa: noves competències per a facilitar el procés d’aprenentatge de 6 a 12 anys de la Fundació Sa Llavor. Lloc: escola.

Dissabte 13 al diumenge 28:

Vacances de Setmana Santa.

2019-04-04T09:03:08+00:00abril 4th, 2019|


Aquest divendres serà l’últim dia del segon trimestre.

Horari: 8:30 a 13:30h

8:30 h _Entrada alumnat
10:45h _Entrada famílies
11:00h _Presentacions per classes
12:00 a 13:30 h _Recollida de carpetes.

Lloc: Jardí

Aprofitem per recordar-vos que les classes recomencen el dilluns dia 29 d’abril.
Bones vacances de Setmana Santa!

2019-04-04T09:00:32+00:00abril 4th, 2019|


The Infant/Kindergarten children, whom in September 2019 will be moving up to grade one have begun their Loom Weaving Project. This is a project which they will work on for the remainder of the school year.

The looms used are simple wooden rectangular frames with vertical cotton strings. The children learn to slowly weave through coloured wool, combing each completed line as they proceed and paying careful attention not to skip strings, or pull too tightly. At the end of each chosen colour, they attach a new piece of wool (by knotting the two pieces together) to create a small multi-coloured rug of their own colour choices and overall design. Once complete, they will create a bag, by sowing it together, and attaching a button and a shoulder strap.

This is a project which all children making the transition to primary education take part in at Sa Llavor. It is a transitional project, which takes them on a journey from the sowing activities they have been used to in the lower years of kindergarten through to knitting projects they will learn to master in year one.

From a Holistic Pedagogy perspective, there are many reasons why this is an important craft activity for the children to undertake.

By starting the project the children understand that they have begun a journey to take them into the the first year of Primary. They will be going to “big school”. Symbolically this weaving journey allows them the time to prepare for the changes ahead and they take great pride in being able to take part. But this is just one of the reasons for the project. All crafts projects undertaken within the Holistic teaching methodology, regardless of age/grade are both beautiful and functional. The fact that they are creating a bag, which they will then use; provides a great sense of autonomy and self confidence. From a physical aspect it allows the children to develop their fine motor skills. It is “fiddly” work and some can find this challenging at first. In addition to dexterity, it requires a queen eye, and considerable concentration and therefore also allows them to develop emotionally, by increasing their ability to concentrate and providing an environment where they can challenge themselves to achieve and overcome any difficulties they may face. Socially, it creates a stronger bond between the group of children that will be moving up to year one, as it is an activity and journey they are taking together. They sit together, help each other and occasionally chat to each other as they compare colour schemes and share the wool used for their respective master pieces. For the adult guiding the activity, it provides a wonderful moment to observe each child in turn, as they move through different developmental stages. How they develop their skills, tackle challenges, interact with each other. As teaching staff, we are able to provide further support, should any be needed and share the observations with parents and guardian as feedback for any concerns raised.

All in all it is a wonderful and magical project, and we are enjoying it greatly. The young weavers in this years group are now well on way. They are enthusiastic and eager and a true inspiration. I wish them all good luck on their journey.


2019-03-29T18:26:46+00:00marzo 28th, 2019|


El dia es va llevar esplèndid i l’escola es va vestir de primavera per obrir les seves portes a les famílies i a tota la comunitat. Així vam celebrar dissabte la jornada de portes obertes, com un dia festiu on compartir una estona de música, trobades amb artistes a la sala d’Hivernacle, diversos tallers per fer en família i també poder gaudir de deliciosos plats vegetarians a l’aire lliure.

Des d’aquí voldríem agrair la col·laboració de totes i tots, tant en la preparació, les tasques de muntatge, d’atenció al públic, de servei, de cuina, d’acompanyament als tallers, d’organització, de neteja i de recollida com d’assistència, que fou molt nombrosa.

Gràcies un cop més per fer-ho possible!

2019-03-31T16:51:37+00:00marzo 28th, 2019|


El proper dissabte dia 30 de març celebrarem a l’escola el Dia de Portes Obertes aprofitant l’arribada de la primavera. Serà una jornada per compartir en família i també per obrir la nostra escola a tota la comunitat, on hi haurà l’oportunitat de poder vivenciar els espais per on es mouen les nenes i els nens cada dia així com també les activitats que hi realitzen.

Al llarg de la jornada comptarem amb tallers familiars, conta-contes, mercat artesanal, menjar vegetarià i ecològic, música en directe, visites guiades a tots els espais de l’escola per a totes les famílies interessades, així com també una trobada amb els artistes que exposen les seves obre a l’espai Hivernacle.

A continuació us passem un horari de les activitats:

11’00h: Obertura de portes
11’15h: Obertura musical
11’30h: Obertura restaurant / Visita guiada / Tallers
13’00h: Conta-contes / Hivernacle: trobada amb els artistes
14’30h: Visita guiada / Tallers
15’45h: Dansa
16’00h: Tancament

Us hi esperem a totes i a tots!

2019-03-21T11:06:29+00:00marzo 21st, 2019|


Sa Llavor has recently hosted a group of students from Drumduan School in Scotland. This is the second time that a student exchange has been organised with this school, who shares with us many similarities in pedagogy as well as principles and values.

The exchange  was organised in a way so that our guests did not feel like simple visitors, but were able to fully participate and engage in all the different activities that are part of Sa Llavor’s school program. We started the day with rhythmic exercises and we did community work in the school garden. We united our voices singing in our choir, we danced folk tunes together and played Gamelan music. During the whole creative week the students had a rich social interaction sharing experiences and establishing new bonds.

Our students are now looking forward to going to Scotland in May and having the opportunity to experience being in a different school, explore a different culture and continue cultivating new friendships.

2019-03-21T20:04:24+00:00marzo 21st, 2019|
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