It took humanity millennia to develop writing. From being a simple figurative annotation, it became syllabic, until it reached the extreme abstraction of being purely phonetic. Egyptian hieroglyphs illustrate this slow evolution. To make the passage from the figurative imagination of children to the intellectual abstraction of modern writing, the teacher walks a similar path. The introduction of the consonants will begin by telling a story, having as a central figure a character or an element, whose name has this consonant as the first letter. As always, the children will want to draw the story. The teacher will draw it first, on the board, giving a prominent place to the character or element in question, with a shape that recalls the consonant. For example, a serrated line for the mountain "M", or a profile of a king for the letter "R" (in capital letters). The next day, the story is re-told, as well as the drawing, but this time, the shape of the line will be closer to the shape of the consonant. This is repeated several times until the "M" or "R", respectively, are known to the students as the letters of the mountain or the king. At the same time their phonemes "mmmmmmm" and "rrrrrrr" are pronounced. In this way, the transition from the image to the symbol is made, eliminating the collision with the abstract sign. Something similar is done with vowels. Students learn gestures related to feelings. "Ah!" It expresses, for example, the feeling of admiration, of veneration and corresponds to it a gesture of opening the arms. In this case, an object from the outside world is not imitated, but rather the human figure itself transfigured into the image of a "being of the A" that slowly leads to the shape of the capital "A". Little by little, very simple words are formed and written: mountain, king, and finally, short sentences and little stories, embellish the notebooks with coloured crayons. In this way, by the end of the first school year children already know how to write with capital letters. What about reading? What happens naturally, without trauma of any kind, is that the student, after a certain time, knows what he/she wrote and, immediately, in a happy and lively environment, guesses words or texts that the teacher writes on the board. Children’s own interest aroused; autonomously, they will try to decipher words that they find around them. The process may take longer, but the result is the same, living an infinite number of beautiful stories and making an equally large number of drawings and paintings in which all the imagination of the children could be expressed.

2021-04-30T15:52:04+00:00April 28th, 2021|


My name is Silvia Manzano Vivar, I am the mother of Roberto and Martín. We arrived in Mallorca four years ago looking for a school for our children and finding Sa Llavor rooted us on the island. Nursery Teacher, by the Complutense University of Madrid, as a listen of one of my earliest internal seeds, the love of childhood, the accompaniment and importance of the presence in this wonderful stage. All my training has always been born of an impulse to discover myself, know me, listen to me and, from this place, be present in the world. Listening to my motherhood, after the birth of Roberto, I formed as a Doula and I accompany mothers, fathers and families in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Trained in Foot Reflexology, of which I teach workshops for families, in Cranio-Sacral for pregnant women and babies, and in Gestalt therapy. They are my tools and treasures that I always carry with me and that have shaped and made my purpose of life. I worked for almost two years in a public library in the Community of Madrid, in the children's and youth room, hence my experience and knowledge basic library science, which I am now fortunate to share in the school. Waking up life and using the school library is being a job wonderful in which, in reality, the real protagonists are being girls and boys. We do a part of the internal work of cataloging, documentation, ordering and updating of the bibliographic collection necessary for the activation of this service. But it is with the passage of all the cycles through the room that the magic and beauty that beats in each book, in each story, in each story and image that wait to be discovered, chosen, looked at and listened to, is really generated. I accompany the girls and boys weekly, as a reference of the library, as a reading and loan room. To get acquainted with this space, its use and use, I will present you how it is organized, how and where to find your favorite readings or to consult your concerns and curiosities to feel the space as yours and enjoy it to the fullest. The elders of the school participate by giving a service to the community and They are occupying the adult room. They and they are lending a true “librarian and librarian apprentices” service; catalog, they make weavings, select and order the bibliographic collection of this room. I feel privileged to be able to feel and see how books, in this age of screens, they still retain their magic when they are held in their hands and They connect with what happens to each one. I am grateful to be able to enjoy the enthusiasm with which they are receiving and shaping this new initiative that has already become a habit and family space within their life at school.

2021-04-27T12:57:28+00:00April 27th, 2021|


I am Hagar Talmor, it has been a year and a half since we arrived on the island and in this wonderful community. I immediately felt at home. I am an herbalist at heart, since I can remember, I have been looking at the ground, noticing the plants that I have around me, and in recent years I have dedicated myself to heal and teach how to heal using what we all have in our garden. Yoga is my other passion, and it is the teacher that helps me improve my life and grow. In my day to day I help people to reprogram their lifestyle habits to feel better about themselves. In the Library Project, we have renewed the atmosphere of this space so that it conveys a feeling of greater friendliness. I am in charge of registering all the books that we have and those that are coming in to make it easier for girls and boys to take them home and thus improve their reading. This project made me reconnect with reading, as well as my children, and it helps me a lot to improve my Spanish.

2021-04-27T12:42:47+00:00April 27th, 2021|


Sa Llavor Edicions was born last year as a result of the love for reading, a casual exchange of books and the desire to find a space to talk about them. Reading allows us to leave our confines, to travel to other worlds and other realities, to know the unknown, but also to inquire more about ourselves. In this time of stopping and slowing down, staying home, going to bed early, being calm and quiet, it is a good time to celebrate reading again. Sant Jordi is an excellent occasion to reactivate Sa Llavor Edicions in the best possible way, by reading and sharing this love for books!

2021-04-30T15:54:06+00:00April 27th, 2021|


No somos de aquí Sino de invernales senderos, Del brillo del agua De los oscuros pozos De la mirada del otro. Ediciones Sa Llavor inaugurates its editorial line with an art book project, "Alrededor" by Enrique Barrenengoa and Victor Mardaras, combining poetry and painting. Enrique Barrenengoa is a poet, experimental artist, musician, creator, soundtrack composer and violinist. Barrenengoa is a nonconformist and restless spirit. Just as his facet as a creator and composer has led him to project himself outwards, his facet as a writer has remained on a more intimate level. Victor Mardaras is a multidisciplinary artist whose core is experimental painting and music. In this collaboration, the two creators have wanted to take the book beyond printed letters and traditional illustration, turning painting into the essence of the poem, where both text and images complement each other in a metaphysical look at everything that surrounds us; the links, matter and connections. The intention, with this edition, is that around the book, as its title expresses, the creative project expands through the holding of an exhibition and an event. We invite you to the ART BOOK presentation event on Saturday May 29 at the Fundació Sa Llavor.

2021-04-30T15:56:37+00:00April 27th, 2021|


The forest is also a time to learn to share. From the beginning of the year, the students began to build cabins in the forest and, with the spring, they began to spontaneously make small gardens, sowing seeds that they brought from home: garlic, apple seeds, onions, ... Taking advantage of this desire to cultivate, during the Forest Project a shared orchard and garden space has been devised where everyone can grow from seeds taken from home to small plants. The idea is that they go from this more private concept to the communal and shared. Thus, during the last day, borage, Calendula Oficialis and pumpkin seeds were sown. The idea is not to have a garden from which to get edible vegetables but rather a place to learn to take care of the plants that will later serve as organic matter to enrich the earth, where they can work cooperatively and generate a habit among themselves to learn to manage a community use of space.

2021-04-27T11:26:44+00:00April 27th, 2021|


On Saturday April 24th we lived a volunteer day within the Forest Project. Thanks to the families who came and their work, we will be able to enjoy shade in the forest. A white flag, donated by a family at the school, and a green mesh fabric that was sewn with llata needles, were installed. Also, the reparation of the stone wall did begin. It was a relaxed morning where the children took the opportunity to enjoy this outdoors space and the families shared their ideas and contributions. As good weather is coming, we hope this journey can be repeated and that the participation will increase.

2021-04-27T11:22:28+00:00April 27th, 2021|


Silence, concentration, pleasure, this is how reading moments are at the library and that is how the children of Sa Llavor enjoy them.

2021-04-27T11:17:58+00:00April 27th, 2021|


In Sa Llavor, students learn to make a loom with their hands in Nursery, to knit with two needles in the First Cycle of Primary school and in the Second Cycle they learn crochet. We start with the chain and single crochet. The crochet is held in the dominant hand and the yarn in the other. The two hands carry out actions that complement each other and have to perform a very precise task. While with knitting the children strenghten feeling and emotion, with crochet they  awaken will power. This term, the third graders are knitting crocheted caps and bags to carry their water bottles to the forest. The fourth graders have already finished their hats and are starting to make a flute bag.

2021-03-25T12:05:33+00:00March 22nd, 2021|


"Embracing infinity in the palm of your hand" William Blake Endless are the possibilities offered by clay modelling, one of the oldest artistic activities of mankind. The so-called "art of the gods" awakens us as human beings and makes us dream as creator gods. Our hands become wonderful instruments, capable of granting harmony and beauty to matter. From the forces of expansion and contraction, present in nature and visible in the concave and convex, we have modelled the movement fixed to the forms. Modelling strengthens our will, teaches us to overcome difficulties, to transform and create, to develop learning that can be applied in many life situations

2021-03-24T12:37:46+00:00March 22nd, 2021|
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