"Deixo el pentagrama; fujo de la solfa! sóc la nota blanca viva i tafanera que ja m’he cansat de ser presonera. Aquest carnaval em disfressaré pintant-me de roig; i a la primavera ja veurem quin goig! tothom em prendrà per una cirera!" Joana Raspall Playing an instrument requires great effort and involvement, but the musical philosophy at school is that children enjoy this work from the first moment, and sharing it is part of that path. For this reason, this week they offered us an audition where they were able to show the work done during the previous months, playing individually or in small groups. Thanks to these children who practice daily with so much enthusiasm, music is breathed throughout the school, reaching every corner, making their classmates enjoy it. We have been able to listen, divided into two auditions, trumpet, euphonium, piano, guitar, saxophone, cello, flute and double bass; playing pieces by different authors from all eras, even composed by the students themselves.

2024-02-19T11:40:07+00:00February 19th, 2024|


On Thursday, February 15 we had the honor of opening the doors of our community to Hernán Melana, who shared a time and space full of wisdom , of authenticity, of humility and of love for education. Hernán, philosopher, pedagogue and writer, started from the following diagnosis: in the current social context where social networks have been replacing the spaces in which human encounters traditionally took place, the most pressing problem of this world, turned into a screen, is the enormous amount of relationship conflicts that occur on a small and large scale. This issue is the great pending task that the school should address. Even more so if the so-called social networks are not providing optimal conditions for the development of healthy socialization. For example, within these a community is not built where individual privacy is respected, since there is a constant showing of oneself to others so that others value that image that is shown. In some way, what should be private is in continuous exposure waiting for external approval and, furthermore, the formation of identity is depending like never before on the judgment of the other, instead of coming from our interiority, from the internal truth. that constitutes us. Faced with this new panorama that adopts the reality of the 21st century, the school has to rethink how it is going to carry out its educational work, especially throughout the third septenium (between the ages of 14 and 21). ), which is the most important phase for the formation of personality, where the deployment of social relationships is fundamental for said formation and, therefore, the incidence of social networks affects the most. So, how can school help these young people build their intimacy in a time when it seems that what is essential is no longer invisible to the eyes? To answer this question, Hernán Melana proposes constituting alternative socialization spaces for young people. A place where the meeting of humanity takes place and where authentic social relationships can be manifested, created between equals, from person to person, with attentive listening and empathy. A self-managed place where each young person can explore their own truth, develop autonomy, confidence in their own possibilities, responsible freedom and the ability to make decisions. A place without screens, without smoke and without alcohol, where young people can bring to light the infinite forces that inhabit their being. This is the message that Hernán Melana came to deliver to us and that our learning community has received with deep gratitude, sharing his same inexhaustible search, within this world in incessant transformation, to find more ways to continue nourishing comprehensively all aspects of the human being in each girl, boy and teenager that we accompany on their path daily.

2024-02-19T11:45:16+00:00February 19th, 2024|


From a historical point of view, there has rarely been a society more interested than ours in the accumulation of information, putting education and wisdom on the same plane. And yet it is known that the most valued employees and leaders are not those who are most trained, but those who show qualities such as empathy, cooperation, being a good communicator, resilience... that is, human qualities. That is why today companies invest more and more in mindfulness programs and the development of soft skills for their employees. If this is so, why don't schools teach, in addition to knowledge, skills more focused on human needs and interests? Escuela Sa Llavor has started a 6-month weekly training for its teachers called Education for Life, to further expand our awareness of how to prepare children for a rapidly changing world. Where, tailored to each age, values ​​and self-knowledge are worked on, because before we can relate to realities other than ours, we must have a firm sense of who we are. We want to form self-possessed, mature, positive, reflective, energetic and creative human beings, capable of developing their maximum potential. When a child asserts himself at the soul level, academic excellence and personal success emerge naturally. This project is for those people who feel that education should mean more than an acquisition of knowledge, more than an intellectual exposure to a host of concepts, and more than a pragmatic preparation for employment. It is a call to change, based on a deep vision of the potentials of each human being, which tells us how to nurture the creativity, wisdom and intuition of each child and how to take advantage of their unexplored capacities. More information: Education for life Taught: María Domínguez   MARÍA DOMÍNGUEZ I became a teacher after having completed different studies and jobs, I discovered my vocation late. I studied Teaching at La Salle and later did the 3-year training in Waldorf Pedagogy, as well as Waldorf Support Pedagogy. I have worked as a Primary Education teacher at the Aravaca Waldorf School, Madrid, since 2004, of which I was the founding primary teacher and member of the Board of Directors for 13 years. However, as time went by, I felt that something was missing and with the birth of my son and then the pandemic, I began to wonder what the true meaning of education was. That's when I met Education for Life: in 2021 I trained online and in 2022 I moved with my family to live in Perugia, Italy, to finish my training. I currently work as an Advisor at the Fundació Sa Llavor, where I have begun to provide Education for Life training to the teaching staff.

2024-02-15T12:45:10+00:00February 6th, 2024|


It is through free play that the child begins to understand the world. Before the age of three, the child develops the foundations for his later life, walking, speaking and with it the possibility of thinking, and it is from the age of three onwards that the child assimilates what he imitates through play. By playing, practice and by practicing, you learn. Through imitation, the child is free to learn for himself and the experiences he has penetrate into the depths of his being, he is formed and receives the lesson that his experiences contain. We must preserve the strength of initiative for the rest of our lives. The best preparation for thinking is activity that allows the child to enter the world through free play. We must ensure that the child feels the happiness of making discoveries, letting him experience the wonder. In this way their talents and will develop.

2024-02-05T10:33:24+00:00February 2nd, 2024|


The first and second graders have just concluded a form Drawing lesson block. Form Drawing is about artistic non-representational mark making and is used to strengthen multi-sensory learning, crossing the mid-line, visual motor integration, spatial intelligence, and social emotional skills. It's fun, creative and a provides a great basis for the subsequent letters lesson block. It was an enjoyable start to the New Year and we produced some beautiful books.

2024-02-02T10:04:24+00:00February 2nd, 2024|


In the second cycle we have begun the period of Majorcan geography and Catalan language. The objective is to get to know our autonomous community better, as well as our language. In class we have worked in small cooperative groups on the characteristics of each of the Balearic Islands, each one developing their own project. Also, as part of the scheduled activities, last Tuesday we went out to Binissalem and went to visit the post office, where the students sent a mysterious letter to one of their classmates. The next day, they reached their recipients, who were able to open their envelopes and read the messages that had been written to them.

2024-02-02T09:12:49+00:00February 2nd, 2024|


The periods of history are usually in tune and harmonize with the evolutionary moment of the students. It has been through harmony and beauty where this period of history has flourished in the third cycle classroom.   The Greeks knew how to masterfully sculpt in their architecture and sculpture the harmony and beauty of the human form, just as their myths knew how to transmit the strength and dignity of human nature.   Ancient Greece was a time in our history where human beings inhabited the earth with so much interest that even the gods wanted to be in the human world. They lived on the tops of the mountains, in the rivers, in the forests, and in the seas, they liked to participate in worldly affairs and some gods and mortals married among themselves. From this union great heroes and heroines would be born and were thus able to guide the inhabitants of the earth.   Prayer of Socrates   Dear Pan and all the other gods who live here: Grant me to be beautiful inside and out, May everything you have be in harmony with what is inside, so that the inner and outer being are one. Here on earth, between birth and death, the soul and the spirit must be sought within us, what is beautiful must be correct  

2024-02-02T09:08:50+00:00February 2nd, 2024|


The 1st ESO group has completed the chemistry period where they have experimented in the laboratory with chemicals and also everyday products to produce chemical reactions that have allowed them to discover how combustion and other simple chemical processes work. From the realization and observation of chemical reactions such as combustion, formation of different gases and use of acidity indicator substances, they have been measuring and using different laboratory materials and instruments. The story of Antoine Lavoisier's life has also accompanied us during these 4 weeks in which the students have experienced what the father of modern chemistry had to face in his research during the French Revolution.

2024-02-02T09:03:45+00:00February 2nd, 2024|


It is believed that the origin of the mosaic technique dates back to more than 3000 years BC in Mesopotamia, although it was developed and refined in ancient Greece, reaching its peak in the elaborate Roman mosaics and the Byzantine Empire. The word mosaic means “work inspired by the muses”, divinities of the Arts. The making of a mosaic follows very specific steps, being a very complete process that includes design, ingenuity, creativity and technique. Pebbles, stones of different sizes or uniform tesserae are used depending on the effect you want to achieve and mortars such as lime or plaster. Originally the support was the floor or the wall. In this case we have used a wooden board with a frame to contain the plaster that is applied at the end of the process. We have taken inspiration from original ornaments from Persia, Greece and Rome.

2024-02-02T09:00:27+00:00February 2nd, 2024|


The 2nd and 3rd year secondary school (ESO) group has immersed themselves for four weeks in a Biology learning period. Through daily reading of the book "The Secret Life of Trees" by Wohlleben, we have been able to discover the hidden world of trees: what they feel, what they communicate. We have also given life to the study of human biology from the mechanism to the organism, investigating through questions about the eyes and sight, hearing and listening, the sense of balance, the sense of touch, taste and smell, the sense of movement, the larynx and speech, the human skeleton and the nervous system. Why do we see the sky blue? What organ is involved in the vision of ambiguous figures? What is the path of sound? What helps us maintain balance? What is pain? What is touch? How are taste and smell related? Do you know why you can move without thinking about what to do at any given moment? How is the sound of the voice generated? How many types of bones does our skeleton have? What is the arch of our feet used for? Why does the column have a wavy shape? How does the brain develop from birth? and a long etc. Various sources have accompanied the path of research, study and learning: books, articles, drawings, a skeleton and a torso, but above all the desire to learn to learn. Every week different groups of students have presented their micro-research projects and answered their classmates' questions. On Thursdays we have held debates on science and society topics, in order to develop skills such as argumentation, critical thinking or decision making, active listening, oratory and oral expression: Is it possible that Artificial Intelligence will end humanity? Do human beings behave like a parasite on Earth? Are GMOs our salvation or our downfall? On February 2 we close the period with an oral presentation of the personal research project that each one has chosen within the field of Biology. Some of the projects will reveal to us: What is Nature's secret number? How dolphins sing? What are reflections? What does microbiology study? Why, if we theoretically come from monkeys, do monkeys not become human beings over time? "Knowledge takes up no place." Aristotle.  

2024-02-06T08:49:16+00:00February 2nd, 2024|
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