“Stories to be told” contest
As one writer said, we all want to have a voice like Scherezade’s close to us by telling us a bedtime story and every time we feel alone.
In Sa Llavor Edicions we want to pay homage to orality, to the living word, to that intimate moment of sharing a story, a journey through the imagination.
Therefore, we encourage you to participate in the first Story Contest to be told.
We are looking forward to your proposals from now until April 1st.
Storytellers, tell us stories.
We will close our eyes.
We will open the senses.
Contest rules here>
Collection of second-hand books
From the 15th of the current month you can take to the Hivernacle the books you wish to donate for the exchange market that we will celebrate during the day of Sant Jordi. We will collect books of literature, essay, poetry, theater and children’s literature that are in good condition. Many thanks!